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LegalWomen Communities
Some associations are long-standing with prominent websites, others have an excellent social media presence, but they are not always easy to find. If you spot one not listed below, please let us know. All the groups welcome newcomers. What suits you will depend on your interests and location but reach out and if you can’t find what you want, start a new group. Legal Women magazine can help you. Many workplaces have internal networks for women. If your business wants practical assistance, we can help direct you to the appropriate sources, speakers, activities etc please contact info@legalwomen.org
The communities are listed in sections starting with national groups and the then in alphabetical order:
National and International Groups
England & Wales
Northern Ireland
National and International Groups
Wherever the groups are based it is usually possible to connect for the purposes of newsletters, social media and of course Zoom events. Some of the groups are for specific areas so that you can attend in person and get to know members well. For example, the Associations of Women Solicitors in London and Manchester are well-established as they have been running for many years.
Some groups without websites are very active so it is worthwhile finding them on social media. This page will be updated as and when more details are provided.
First 100 years / Next 100 Years
The project’s mission was to ensure a strong and equal future for all women in the legal profession by raising awareness about their history and inspiring future generations of female lawyers. It has had a substantial impact in the lead-up to the 2019 centenary and is continuing its successful work.
Women in the Law UK
This is a national association with ambassadors in London, Manchester (H.Q), Birmingham, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Cardiff with further branches in the pipeline. Membership is open to all involved in the Legal Profession. Key focuses of the association include developing leadership skills, aiding in career progression as well as helping members to achieve greater mental well-being and a work-life balance
American Women Lawyers
The AWLL is an association made up of women based in the London area with connections to the American legal community. The overarching aim of the association is to promote the professional development of its members via networking and mentoring schemes. It also seeks to promote a work-life balance alongside succeeding professionally.
Association of Asian Women Lawyers
The AAWL is open to anyone in the legal profession but has a particular focus on offering support and expertise to those wishing to embark on a career in the field. The association therefore holds frequent events which allow members to network and gain insight from more experienced lawyers, Judges and QCs.
Association of Women Barristers
This organization aims to defend and represent women at both self-employed and employed Bars within England. Via their participation in various consultations, the AWB continues to successfully address the current problems facing women barristers. The association also hosts workshops, networking socials and mentoring schemes. The association welcomes experienced members of the field and students alike.
African Women Lawyers’ Association
The AWLA, based in London, aims to support women, with a focus on those of African and Caribbean descent, with the legal profession. It also helps women who wish to embark on a career within the legal profession. The association does not have an official website but can be found via Facebook.
Women Back to Law
This is a consultancy campaigning to inform and inspire women returning to work after maternity leave or a career break.
Women Lawyers and Mothers
The mission of Women Lawyers and Mothers is to offer a supportive space and community for mothers who work within the legal industry. One of their key aims is to help mothers in their career progression. Their page with events can be found on Facebook.
England And Wales
Women Lawyers Division (WLD)
The WLD is the community organised by The Law Society of England and Wales. All women solicitors can join and need to opt in through My Law Society to receive notifications. The Women Lawyers Division supports and advises all women solicitors and aspiring women solicitors, from trainees to retirees.
There are a number of regional WLD groups so check your local law society webpage, for example, Women Lawyers Merseyside @MerseysideWLD and in Bristol you can find their Facebook page under ‘WLD Bristol’. Many of these groups runs panel events and networking sessions etc.
Association of Women Solicitors London (AWSL)
The Association of Women Solicitors offers membership to all women solicitors and associate membership to women paralegals, legal executives, legal professionals, barristers and students of law. It strives to support the interests of women in the profession and act as a source of professional support which it achieves via events and mentoring opportunities
Association of Women Solicitors Manchester
We have an active Committee whose objective is to bring together women solicitors from Manchester and its environs. The Committee’s brief is to hold events at which women solicitors can network. Such events are aimed at providing a convivial forum to listen to and engage in discussions on key issues affecting women solicitors in the profession today and to support and help promote AWS members at every stage of their career.
Northern Ireland
Women in Law Scotland
WILS acts as a means for women based in Scotland within the legal profession to network and share ideas regarding gender equality in the law sector. They host various events around Scotland, mainly in Edinburgh, which centre around the issue of gender equality. More information regarding the association can be found on their Twitter and LinkedIn pages
Many universities run women in law groups and are open to speakers and attendees from the profession.
Edinburgh Foundation for Women in Law
This society is aimed at female students wishing to pursue a career in law. Various workshops with representatives from some of the biggest law firms are organised throughout the year, as well as talks with leading female lawyers who offer their insight and expertise. The society have Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages where more information can be found. Those not a student at Edinburgh University may still become a member.
Women in Law & Leadership: Queen’s University Belfast
If there is no group local to you, try setting one up or connect with a Women in Business group. You can also obtain support through the social media accounts and the many meetings that are being held. Please let us know what groups exist or contact us if you wish to develop a new one info@legalwomen.org.uk